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Old 2013-05-13, 16:39   Link #32266
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Few things.
1. Yeah, as everyone has stated, I think OC was the show us the construction of a game board, and need not have any bearing on reality, or Prime, or what have you. This is just in response to UsagiTenpura suggesting that EP7 TP was a naked scenario, which I agree with, though that still need not reflect the Truth.

2. Our Confessions showed Yasu lying to , like, all her accomplices. Only Nanjo is inexplicably loyal in that scenario (I mean, we have to assume he was checking bodies), and to be fair ... ... Kratsuhi is pretty dumb, and unlike the other adults, also have Kinzo's death and massive embezzlement hanging over their heads

3. For all that people have problems accepting a Yasu-culprit, I've never been fond of the "someone hijacked the game" train of thought, either. I mean, an inheritance plot is certainly IN THERE, but the way the ranking system seems to work (a theme that was NEVER developed beyond "our seating arrangements at dinner sure are convenient for conversation"), actual murder is pretty much to nobody's actual benefit, ever. Well, I can imagine a scenario where it could be, but they're all moot in face of the very high number of deaths actually following the epitaph would call for. I'unno, just me.

4. Pretty sure Genji was more concerned with possible sexual assault than the idea of possible incest.
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