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Old 2013-05-13, 16:46   Link #32267
Join Date: Dec 2012
From my point of view the entire ep 8 was the lesson of umineko: it really doesn't matter who the culprit is as the fact is that people did die. Therefore searching for the vicious sides of people is terrible and "forgets the heart". Everyone is described as grade-A nice guy in ep 8. Even goddamn kinzo. Saying it is strange for kyrie to act nice in an episode that makes a point of being nice is not even an argument. The reason the truth is never revealed is because Ryu, and in universe because searching for a culprit means searching for the negative sides of people aka going against the lesson of umineko.

Eva took the truth to her grave. That is totally understandable even if we happen think kyrie as a culprit:

First, eva is not very nice person. While we have many indicators that she in fact had some understandment and love towards ange, keeping the truth hidden was a weapon when the relationship went toxic. While I agree with you about the part "eva might accidentally reveal the truth while being angered", you must understand what the truth meant for eva: "Your mother was the culprit hahaha I also probably did some of the killings and detonated the entire island to conceal my part in everything hahaha I am also a murderer."

No way eva is going to jail for ange and her wanting to know the truth. Eva is not stupid. She is clever and sometimes selfish bitch. She knows that if she had ANY part in the whole mess revealing ANYTHING is a shitty call. If I were her in those circumstances I'd take the truth into grave with me
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