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Old 2013-05-15, 12:45   Link #28361
Moving in circles
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Singapore
Age: 49
Originally Posted by SeijiSensei View Post
Hashimoto's comments on "comfort women" occasioned a virulent response in the opinion section of this morning's New York Times:

The author, Editorial Board member Carol Giacomo, concludes, "It’s hard to believe that anyone who espouses such outrageous views as Mr. Hashimoto has much of a political future in Japan or anywhere else."

I'm a bit surprised that someone who spent much of her career as a diplomatic correspondent for Reuters would make such a broad claim about politics in a country half the globe away.
It seems necessary to re-post aohige's earlier messages:
Originally Posted by aohige View Post
He was replying to a conversation about prostitution in Okinawa. He's in favor for it, saying and bringing up "comfort women" as an example of soldiers needing prostitution.

I mean, what he said was no doubt idiotic, but I think it's getting taken out of context.

Also, you do realize this is the same man who said Japan should just give Takeshima/Dokudo to South Korea, since it's not worth fighting over.
Originally Posted by aohige View Post
While you are correct, it doesn't change the fact it's taken out of context.
He believes it was nothing more than prostitution, therefore he's justifying having prostitution in Okinawa.
The gaffe has apparently been taken out of context. This does not make the comment any less reprehensible, but it does at least make it easier to understand where he is coming from and what he was actually trying to say.
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