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Old 2013-05-18, 11:35   Link #240
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
... So why do people keep bringing up this quote about Gen saying that this show is for young adults on the verge of entering society (i.e. leaving high school, presumably) or those that have just entered into society?

That's not "kids". "Kids" are those 14 and under.
There seems to be a misunderstanding. The show for kids isn't Gargantia but a completely different thing. Not sure why it was brought up in the first place, but it's a good indication Urobuchi is trying to branch out as a writer.

It's enough so people shouldn't be faulted for not taking what Gen says at face value. He may or not be lying. He may or may not be spinning things.
It was just one time. We shouldn't distrust everything he says just because of that. It's pretty sad to be branded a liar just because you attempted to mislead people once. I'll keep assuming he was telling the truth until proven otherwise.

Don't you think that's an awfully presumptive statement for you to make at the one half mark?
We're already half-way through the series and it's been exactly as Urobuchi said it would be. Furthermore, I see no indication there will be a drastic change of tone. Why should I think otherwise?
Rize and Kaneki
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