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Old 2013-05-18, 20:03   Link #28
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Originally Posted by Kanon View Post

Did I misunderstand or is Kirino actually cheering Kuroneko on? Color me surprised. Very, very surprised. After the stunt she pulled last week, I thought she'd never want Kyosuke to get a girlfriend, especially not so soon. Maybe she's okay with it because it's Kuroneko. They are supposed to be rather close friend, after all. It looks like they had talked about it beforehand. I'm glad my fears didn't come to pass.

Kyosuke was pretty fun this week. His siscon phone , his question about boobs... really good stuff.
You could take it that way or you can see it as Kirino prepping for her own confession.

Also, lol at Kirino's fake bf's misunderstanding.
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