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Old 2006-02-05, 06:46   Link #253
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Join Date: Feb 2006
I thought PDAs and other portable media devices (e.g. PSP) were the main reason for using H.264 in the first place since hardware acceleration solves some of those performance problems.

On the desktop, the codec changes so often that a video encoded with today's version won't work on one from a week ago. I mean, I don't fear change. Hell, I upgrade all the software on my Linux desktop about once a month. But change more than once a month just to keep up with the changing face of a single format is a bit much to bear.

And those of us who were previously using an Xbox to watch our anime are now stuck between a rock and a hard place. Playback even in cutting edge versions of XBMC is too choppy to be enjoyable, and the only road out is upgrading to a faster or different video playing device. Oh yes, and don't forget that only an extremely tiny number of digital video players can even play H.264 in the first place.

What I think would float, and what would satisfy most people... is a site which takes all the H.264 encodes and transcodes them to XviD. Then you have the best of both worlds. Fansubbers who like H.264 don't have to listen to complaints about it and can happily sub only in H.264. And fans who don't like H.264 wouldn't then have to deal with it. Or at least we'd have something to do in the interim until the codecs get more stable.
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