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Old 2013-05-20, 16:24   Link #99
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Join Date: May 2013
Kyousuke's reasons for not saying "no" to Kirino have varied throughout the series, starting with doing it for himself and his own peace of mind, to doing it out of obligation as her older brother, to, finally, doing it because he actually genuinely cares about her and wants their relationship to improve. I feel it's worth noting that of every major things he's done for her - helping her make new friends, convincing their dad to let her keep her hobby, helping her and Ayase make up, etc. - Kirino didn't force him to help.

That's why I can't see him as spineless or weak. A spineless or weak person wouldn't try to improve the situation out of fear he'll just make things worse or he'll face conflict unless he received a lot of encouragement to do so, but Kyousuke still tries to help despite knowing of his own shortcomings and the potential dangers to his own reputation. The guy is good at enduring and tolerating many things, too, and can own up to his own mistakes and apologize for any wrongdoings, which is something I, personally, don't associate with spineless people.

I have a lot of respect for him as a character. While I feel there are some situations he can be a bit more assertive and that he could stand to be a bit more ambitious about what he wants to do with his life, there's a lot to admire about him.
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