Thread: Xbox One
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Old 2013-05-21, 21:42   Link #295
Hiding Under Your Bed
Join Date: May 2008
I'm also curious what a developer like Quantic Dream could do with the new Kinect. The ability to detect your heartbeat/rate? The possibilities when combined with interactive storytelling! Dynamic events unfolding dependent on how the player is reacting to events measured by their heartrate, etc. Ability to determine velocity, pressure, and force by watching your movements? Intriguing possibilities. Hopefully QD loses their Sony-only-love for the next gen.

With the ability to load apps and a Windows Kernel, this is essentially a PC for your living room. Haters will always hate, but from my perspective consoles are finally approaching what I expected out of them back at the turn of the century.

Now, I hope MS has a team working to push out an update to have the Xbox talk back to you in a Cortana-like voice within a year or two of release.
It feels like years since they've been updated, btw.
Also, cake.
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