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Old 2013-05-27, 11:57   Link #85
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Idaho
Age: 32
Originally Posted by aohige View Post
This isn't like say... Captain Okita of Space Cruiser Yamato dying, and passing his mantle off to one of the other main characters, because he was srs biznis for the audiences for much of the show.
As I mentioned before, the Fairlock character was obviously inspired by Captain Okita. He's very much a certain kind of character, and in this case it's the old and wise captain.

Also, to be perfectly frank I never once felt that the funeral procession was intended to cause audience emotion. A lot of scenes in Suisei no Gargantia have been exposition for the traditions and the life of Gargantia. This was another such scene where I felt that the funeral procession was more of a look at how the Gargantians live, and their beliefs.

More so, I think Ridget's developments were primary here, and not the funeral itself. A fair amount of time in this episode was spent on her character's backstory being developed, and her personality being flushed out more.
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