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Old 2013-05-31, 08:30   Link #119
The First Rasengan!!
Join Date: Nov 2007
Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
That's why you provide VARIETY... give her a whole slew of different moves she can use with different combinations and strategies; its alot better than being a one trick pony.

Also a reason her only using super strength to fight might not bother you is because Sakura never gets to fight... She hasn't done much fighting since sasori. Can't get old if you never see anything
right hook, jab, uppercut
roundhouse kick, leg sweep, karate chop, peoples elbow...
theres your variety. the chick has superhuman strength...she only really needs to land one punch.
-kakashi says so in the shippuden bell test
-raikage would've flattened naruto(tail beast mode) if he had not have blocked
-tsunade breaks madara susanoo.
sakuras strength is weapon enough...

imo, the sasori fight was all we needed for sakura as it pertains to her battle capabilties. during that fight we see tsunade explaining sakuras role as an excellent medical ninja (tsunade provides further explanation during her fight with madara when she mentions those 3 or 4 rules). why we would come to expect anything else? im not sure...
and we keep pointing out how LONG its been since she fought. yes for us readers its been 8 years, but it has not been that long in manga time. these are the volumes since 34 when sakura beat sasori:
35-38 kakuzu/hidan/shika/asuma/begin sasuke
39-40 sasuke
41 jiraiya
42-43 sasuke after itachi
44 sage training
45 sasuke.bee/pain invasion
46-48 pain vs naruto
49-50 gokage summit
51-52 sasuke vs danzo/
53 - prep for war, have war***(if i screwed this up hopefully somebody corrects me

vol 38?, sasuke beats orochimaru 6 months(in manga time) after sakura beats sasori. roughly 3 months later, war breaks out.
within this timeline/storyline, when/where was sakura suppose to get this major fight?

Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
When? Naruto found plenty of time to train and get new power ups. Is sakura just doing nothing all day while he trains hard? And heck those 3 years could have been used for ANYTHING, including giving her additional genjutsu.
just a little bit unfair considering narutos bloodline. he literally requires no time to learn anything...he developed rasenshuriken in like a day...and sage mode training didnt take long either.
she spent those three years becoming a capable fighter and as of 632 revealed, storing chakra for a seal that so far only mito uzumaki, and tsunade have managed to utilize...(shizunes admitting she wasnt able to do it was suppose to increase the wow factor i think)

also we have yet to see what she can actually do...she didnt save up for one punch. i hope its some form of the technique tsunade used against madara
Mokujin Rasengan

Last edited by Artimus_Prime; 2013-05-31 at 08:47.
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