Thread: Game of Thrones
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Old 2013-06-03, 10:26   Link #815
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Originally Posted by solidguy View Post
She wasn't AT the wedding but she was outside the castle in the tents with the Hound as the wedding happened
I remember her being close by, I just couldn't remember if she got as close to the action as she is shown doing in the show. It's a side point, but I was still interested.


As an aside, this has to be the most Stark-centric episode we've seen in quite some time. Besides the brief side-story with Dany (which I felt was a little too underwhelming and maybe should have been excluded), and the briefest of vignettes with that fat guy and mother over the wall, this was a wall-to-wall Stark episode. And it worked quite well for such a specific episode. I especially liked the changes in Rickon. In the books he is around 4 years of age, so he always comes across as a bother and a brat, but here I actually felt for him and his desire to protect his brother. It was a beautiful little moment. Jon was also a lot of fun. He's a character you can root for, since he is one of the few moral individuals left in the story, but at the same time I can't help but call him a jerk for leaving Ygritte like that. Theirs is definitely a relationship that improved greatly in the adaptation.
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