Thread: Reminiscence
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Old 2013-06-05, 09:39   Link #11
Join Date: May 2006
Location: 大陸の片隅
Oh my god. I might need a box of tissues for all the sobbing I'll be doing once I hit that part.

Ren and Kaito bicker like an old married couple, and I find it absolutely entertaining every time I see them doing so. I especially feel sorry for poor Ren; she's not completely trained and equipped to deal with Kaito's whims and out-of-the-blue gags like Reika and Tsuki were, and I get the impression that it drives her up the wall every time she has to deal with it (not to mention that Kaito seems to love doing it particularly because it drives Ren nuts).

I really love how Kinugasa's characters all remain relatively relevant in the entire scheme of things. He really makes full use of the six degrees of separation idea, even up to now. Not only that, but also with how all the ladies are so sassy and ノリノリ while the male lead (for the most part, but not restricted to him alone) is a hilarious butt monkey yet rolls along with the punches (but has super awesome badass moments).

I really missed this author-artist tandem. Now I'm kind of curious enough to pick up the LN series both of these guys are working on...
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