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Old 2013-06-11, 15:16   Link #355
Xion Valkyrie
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Originally Posted by finalfury View Post
Tales of Xillia and Symphonia Chronicles should be enough to satisfy me. The whole porting to another console doesn't bother me, but couldn't they make it cross gen or something for PS3, 360, Wii U? After all, they can just port it.
The reason why they're porting it to the XB1 is because it's so easy that they'd be stupid not to. The specs between the XB1 and PS4 are extremely similar and they both use the x86 architecture. It's basically free money. I don't think any decent sized third party devs would be going single platform this time around unless Sony or MS pays them a large amount of money not to. If they were smart they'd also just release them on the PC a couple months down the line and enjoy making more money without doing anything.

PS3 might be possible for FFXIV depending on how much dev they've already done on it for the PS3, but WiiU is out of the question as they'd need an entire separate team to do the porting. It's just not cost effective.

Last edited by Xion Valkyrie; 2013-06-11 at 15:35.
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