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Old 2013-06-13, 03:25   Link #7638
The American Average
Join Date: May 2012
Location: a comet that goes zooom!!!
Could and Should are different just because they can doesn't mean they should.

Lets look at Gundam Wing, it had quite a good ending most points were wrapped up all characters got a satisfying ending all MS/gundams were destroyed and happily ever after then Frozen Teardrop comes in and pretty much ruins a lot of the characters and story. A sequel in the CE would be very strange because there are no evil people to oppose Lacus Co. making up a new large evil group right after or shortly after Destiny would be rather bad. Anyone really related to Kira's past is dead or a friend, Athrun... same boat, Shinn some stuff could be made for him but, would it be that interesting? In the end of Destiny Shinn is angry anymore besides him getting lead doubtful. Lacus and Cagalli don't really see them having personal demons to fight as well. Just like Wing there really isn't anywhere to go plot wise without making up a really bad plot like new evil that was always there or freezing someone or going UC style and have a 30 year jump.
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