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Old 2013-06-14, 03:18   Link #7656
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Originally Posted by monster View Post
-So? Who says the next series has to be only two years after Destiny?

-MSG was cancelled in its original run.

-I still don't know what specifically about FT you're complaining about and I'm not interested enough in it to look it up myself.

-Yes, the Earth Federation in UC is led by a unified world government. By contrast, the Earth Alliance in CE is comprised of multiple sovereign nations, such as the Atlantic Federation, the Eurasian Federation, the Republic of East Asia, etc., even the Orb Union in Destiny.
-I wouldn't mind a movie set some x amount of decades in the future, then we could just start off all (mostly) fresh

-Yes it was cancelled INITIALLY, it became big after Zeta made things popular

-Basically at the end of Endless Waltz we had the perfect ending with everyone going their own ways, and "the gundams were never seen again". FT took a dump on all of that

-And yet the CE AF holds themselves together better than the EF in UC, even despite their more split nationality. We have not seen any forms of infighting whatsoever due to the influence of LOGOS/BLUE COSMOS in the top brass holding things together. The only exception we saw was the AA, but thats a special side case due to the plot. In UC we had the Titans (even in here we saw splits, as with Paptimus Scirocco), defectors during Sentinel (forgot what they called themselves), various sub-factions within the EF throughout all of the series (such as the Vist Foundation in particular, who more or less forced their way in by hanging Laplace's Box over the EF)
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