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Old 2013-06-16, 14:32   Link #121
Eaten by goats
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Rokkenjima
I'm absolutely adoring the promo art for the series. It looks great. It would have been painful to see it be turned more generic.

Re the discussion on the last page about the level of importance given to avoiding spoilers in this series, my opinion is that I would definitely class this one as one where you really don't want to be spoiled about anything, be it about the characters or the plot development, unlike some series where it might not be such a big deal. After all, this one is based on a detective/murder mystery adventure game. This series will be a lot more fun if the first time you see it (watch the anime/read the LP/play the game) you aren't aware of what will happen and are kept in suspense.

Which is not to say that it won't be fun for people who already know what will happen and have read/played the game; I'm keenly looking forward to an animated and fully voiced version of one of my very favourite series, and also keenly looking forward to watching it with unspoiled people and seeing their reactions as the series progresses. I'm hoping that the adaptation will be excellent, because this game should be easy to adapt to anime format, but even if it isn't, judging by the game, we already know that the voice acting is going to be godly and worth watching even for that alone. If you like the voice actors listed for this series, watch this series!

Originally Posted by OkamiNoKaze View Post
is there an equivalence of a Boston accent in Japanese?
What sort of information/stereotype is a Boston accent supposed to convey?

Last edited by GoldenLand; 2013-06-16 at 14:49.
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