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Old 2013-06-18, 08:27   Link #248
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Originally Posted by erneiz_hyde View Post
Snake rewind back the time, which lead to Rea's route. You need to play KKK (Kajiri Kamui Kagura) for more info about this.

And the dejavu came back along.

Not the same.

You don't repeat the same life in Goddess world. Every soul get transferred into another path of life after their life end.

For example : I think Red Anna still suffer and die instead during the "Witch Hunt", which then get reincarnated as the little Anna you see in the epilogue (She did say she felt like having more life than the others).

EDIT: Also, another thing, was "Three Colors" the correct subtitle for that last route? I know it's foolish to question how a chuuni writer uses their kanjis, but, are we sure it's not a mistranslation of 三つ巴? Because if that is the original title, that doesn't translate to "three colors" but "three commas".
I personally just call it Three Colors because of the 3 Colors = Hadou Gods fight in the end of the route. The "Mitsudomoe" can refer to "3-way struggle", and not personally fond of the name. I see some people refer to it as Machina's route instead.
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