Thread: Crunchyroll Hunter X Hunter Anime (2011)
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Old 2013-06-23, 13:49   Link #3158
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Originally Posted by ChainLegacy View Post
It was a good episode, but Neferpitou doesn't do it for me as a villain. Definitely doesn't match up to Hisoka or Chrollo... doesn't even reach bomber level. Colt is the more interesting chimera ant character. Hopefully the other guards and the king will be more interesting.
just wait. remember this is Hunter x Hunter's best arc.

They way he writes the villains, including Pitou will blow your mind.

Originally Posted by revive4563 View Post
After such a long time, this major Jump series taught me that author of Shingeki no Kyojin is completely amature/doujin level.

This IS a talent of story writing.

I don't like Togashi always but he is good, after all.
Pretty much this, I mean Isayama of SnK had a great START to his Manga, but he's not a good enough writer yet to keep it going for as long as Togahshi did/does. Isayama is using carrot and stick writting to create "suspense"(i.e. Time while he figures the rest of the story out), wheras Togashi pretty much already had what he wanted to write already laid out without the need for drawn out "suspense"that Isayama of SnK needs.(but was just too lazy to draw it) There is a reason why Togashi is pretty much allowed to do whatever he wants (and take loooong Hiatuses) in JAPAN of all places, where just being late for work by a minute can get you fired (learned through experience) and he takes 2-3 years off, and can come back whenever he feels like it. and STILL make great stories (he took like 1 year hiatus in the middle of this arc, came back and finished it and made it ridiculously good)

Of course SnK is Isayamas first manga. While Togashi also did Yu Yu Hakusho. . . which is the manga that pretty much two of the big three right now have either straight blandly copied or ripped off from (Naruto, Bleach. . .especially bleach wow).

so yeah Isayama has a ways to go to live up to Togashi. . . The only guy that's close to Togashi now is Oda and Toriyama.

Originally Posted by Upscaled View Post
Agreed in terms of pure muscle-power. Pitou jumped an insane distance in a single bound, and covered that distance in just a few seconds. I would think it had to have been a mile or two. So the speed must have been at least near Mach 1.

But the ants, including Pitou, are not yet as devious and cunning as some humans.

Remember the ants are pretty much humans with super powers. . .They just aren't socialized like most humans are. Nor are they hunters so they don't have the problem solving practice the hunters do. . .so they are probably as cunning as regular humans, but hunters are trained in cunning and hone it daily.

Originally Posted by ChainLegacy View Post
I think they would be stronger than Neferpitou. Now, the king may be another story.
They would be stronger than neferpitou. . .but definitely not the King. Chrollo would get destroyed by the King. I mean they had to bring in Netero!

I'm going to have to leave this thread for about 7-8 months (this arc is THAT long) the points brought up in this thread remind me about how well this arc is written, which is why I regard as the best arcs in Anime/Manga medium. It's like Togashi knows what you guys are thinking and wrote the arc to surprise and amaze people like you all. this section HxH is going to kill me from the excitement.

This arc is so good that Madhouse is pretty much unable to fuck it up, They could have monkeys draw and voice the characters and it would still be the best thing since sliced bread.

Last edited by CJ_Walker; 2013-06-23 at 14:24.
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