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Old 2013-06-27, 10:01   Link #628
Mad Pierrot
Corrupted fool
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: I'm everywhere
Age: 33
Originally Posted by Traece View Post
Not sure if trolling or... You may want to revisit the UC timeline and Amuro's story.

I have little familiarity with the Destiny series, so I can't really say much about it. Seed on the other hand I didn't necessarily love but there was a lot there to like. After all, drama aside there was some really good stuff there. There's also some nice extraneous bits to that timeline as is often true for a new Gundam series. I know a lot of people really do hate Seed, but honestly I could watch Seed for far longer than I could stand to put up with the Zetas.
How did I troll? Did I say it wrong? Since people compared Zeta with Destiny I've just compared SEED with the original Gundam. Nothing else.
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