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Old 2013-06-29, 12:59   Link #6
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Well, this episode was basically a reflection of the whole story so far, but told from Kirino's perspective that serves to explain... well, basically everything about her: how she used to be in the past, what happened to fracture her relationship with her brother, why she treated Kyousuke initially with such disgust, why she's rivals with Manami, why she started running and started modelling, how she discovered eroge, and also Kyousuke's re-transformation over the course of the story to the way he is now -- not exactly the way he was before, but still with the same result.

If you ever wondered "what was Kirino thinking?", this episode has basically all your answers.

Coming up Next: The three-episode finale in August. (That'll also be premiered early at Otakon.)
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