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Old 2013-07-10, 22:35   Link #1144
Team Rocket Elite
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2008
Congrats to Kuroneko and Misaka on beating Kanade! However it's a bit unfortunate that it also shows how screwed they are in they ever try to directly challenge Kanade. Shana is strong but she's only around the 10th strongest in Stella. Kuroneko and Misaka are supposed to be the 2nd and 4th strongest (Eucliwood seemed to slip into 3rd recently). Even under these conditions, they can'd decisively beat Kanade. Trying to beat Kanade is a straight up 1v1 no handicap match will be even tougher. There are stilling upcoming Oreimo and Railgun episodes before the post season but right now Kanade is looking like she might repeat. It doesn't help that this match reminds the Kanade fanbase that Kanade is technically beatable and that they do need to put in effort to win.

Aragaki Ayase continues to put up strong performances even after Oreimo season 2 ended. Right now she looks a fair bit stronger than Kirino. Can she really beat Kirino? Ayase is getting within range of beating Taiga as well.

There was also some fairly crazy results this time. Iwasawa and Nymph are pretty close in strength so it's not that odd that Iwasawa could beat Nymph. It is very odd that she completely crushed Nymph. Maybe this is due to spill over from Angel Beats fans getting rallied for the exhibition match.

Pretty much everyone from Bakemonogatari looked good but it's very surprising that Nadeko managed to outright beat Yami.

Holo beating Charlotte and Shouko beating Yozora are pretty for out there as well. Karuta does exceptionally well on Inori but still falls short of the massive upset.
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