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Old 2013-07-13, 09:39   Link #77
Draco Spirit
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2013
Another strong Railgun S episode.

It really is miles better than the first session which focused a little bit much on slice of life and feelings, to the point were the action slow down to a snail pace.

Railgun S on the other hand mixes in the slice of life and feeling stuff with very real and heavy danger.

Take Kuroko for example. In season 1 she and her feeling for Mikoto was mostly comic relief and fanservice. In this arc her feeling are treated more seriously... she worried about her friend and thinking deeply over the moral dilemma should she respectfully wait for Mikota to tell her what wrong, or take initiative with the issue and possibly damage the trust between them?

Touma works somewhat better as a savior figure in Railgun S too, because we see him from the outside, and it strengthens the image by a few notches.

It also doesn't hurt the music, animation and voice acting are up a notch of course!
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