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Old 2006-02-12, 19:19   Link #11
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Germany
Age: 39
Hm.. I'm looking forward to the OVAs but another Movie would be better. I liked the first one, even if it played mostly in our universe.
Well, actually... FMA is such a great series. I hope, they produce a 2nd Series, since theres still more than enough material to cover, that could make it as good as the 1st FMA Series. Ed still hasnt got his arm and leg back, they're in the alternate world + are not at home (where winry + friends wait), still no transmutation of dead people (even if I'm okay with it), and so much more... Cant be true, that this series ends with an OVA... It's like "So, and now we present an short end for our 51 episode containing Hit-Series". But well, our opinion is probably not asked... The japanese fans should ask for more, as they already did for FFVII... and we got Advent Children, Last Order and probably an FFVII remake soon.
Would be great, if any of the japanese forum users could give a statement about FMA's current Status in japan... Is it already forgotten? I hope it's not

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