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Old 2013-07-22, 23:11   Link #198
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Originally Posted by janipani View Post
Sometimes I feel, that Oda stuffs so much confusing things in his manga, that anime would have at least some content in it, but that won't help the outcome. Only PAUSE can raise the quality, but as long as there is fans happy with silly fools show, they will keep doing it.

I think they greatest problem with anime is that when people don't look up for the original material, they think that this is how it's meant to be for the begin with and think that manga is the very same with no movement.

I believe OP is presented as early morning children show am I right? Such time slot is perfect for light comical show and that's level of quality OP Anime is probably doomed to stick with even though it used to be something that you would itch to see after school and even run a little to make it home to see awesome battle between Luffy and Rob Lucci or Enery.. and other times just enjoyed the great adventurous feeling, instead of endless amount of gags and jokes when animators are fooling around with comedy parts and cheating when anime would get cool and serious. In manga this all is greatly balanced.
It is crunchyrolls fault. The low quality creates an illusion that the overall visual quality has gone down which leads to you thinking the overall quality has dropped... hell, the FIRST epsiodes of One Piece probably had more pixels than this LQ shit that we got now! Watching the episodes again in HD (which will be probably a few episodes behind) could possibly lead to you reconsidering your stance toward the anime.

I mean even IF they do a pause for OP, you will still get crunchyrolls "naked" LQ 360p subs when they continue.
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