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Old 2013-07-24, 02:15   Link #25
Pretentious moe scholar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 37
Found a thread about it on CR's site. If the info there is correct:
-Both android and iOS apps are locked to 480P (and probably 360P if you don't have an account *edit*: I'm not completely sure about 480P on Android though I suspect it is now, see discussion below.).
-720P and above can still be access via a flash equipped browser (available on Android and Windows RT/8 as far as I can tell but not iOS). Not sure what performance is like since flash is a big of a CPU hog, battery life also probably takes a hit.


A couple more notes on the Android app res:
-I have only heard one person say that the Android app streams 480P.
-However, I have not heard anyone say the app is 360P recently.
-The original 360P on Android v. 480P on iOS decision was based on Android not supporting secured HTML 5 streams at the time - an issue for content providers. As far as I am aware, this reason should have disappeared with Android 4.0.

So it's very possible that one poster is correct because the Android app is now 480P and it's just not something that appears to have been discussed much.

Signature courtesy of Ganbaru.

Last edited by 0utf0xZer0; 2013-07-24 at 02:28.
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