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Old 2006-02-14, 20:09   Link #337
Ronin Aquila
Sky Warrior
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Age: 43
I thought the staff of Mai Otome were incredibly irresponsible in his portrayal of the lynching, and were lopsided in their inporportionate sympathy towards Aoi.

Sure, she was the vicitim, no doubt. However, the Director decided to lazily portray the angry peasants as "monsters" by resorting to the cheap trick of removing their eyes in the scene, and therefore de-validating their humanity. All circumstances considered that resulted in their loss of family, home and livilihood, they are perfectly human in their actions and have every right to be angry towards the royal family.

It is hard to believe this is the same Sunrise that sympathetically portrayed the Warriors Of Zaft who avenged their families in Gundam Seed Destiny, which although was ultimately a bad series, dosen't de-validated any of its cast members' humanity. It is incredibly immature to portray victims of rage and grief as anything less than human beings, however illogical they may seem to act.
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