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Old 2013-08-18, 13:39   Link #82
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Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
That was awful. Absolutely awful. The writing for this series has never been very good in the first place but it reached a new low in these final episodes. If you want to make an incest ending despite it not making sense in the first place (at least in the context of the anime, I don't know and don't care about the light novels), do it. Don't cop out at the last minute. He rejected all those awesome girls for the chance to be with Kirino only for a few months? You have to be kidding me... that's just adding to the injury. I can't think of any way they could have made this ending worse.

The only good scene was Manami punching Kirino. I'm not pro violence but I have to admit that was incredibly satisfying. The vindicative **** totally deserved it. This made suffering through these three episodes worth it. Kind of.

In the end, Kuroneko remained the best girl in this show by far. She was able to remain friends with Kirino and support her even after all this. I hope she'll find somebody better than Kyousuke.
Here we go again with the ''Kuroneko deserves better'' excuses. If so, why did she fall in love with him? She always admits that he is useless and stuff but she likes him that way, add to that, that he always is there to help and is simply a very kind guy. Once again, the anime did not do a very good job in clearing the Manami/Kirino mess alongside the build-up which led him to fall for her. One more thing, its really sad seeing this Kirino hate where to the extent people rejoice in seeing her hurt.If anything, Kuroneko wanted this to happen and she admits that she always knew that from the get-go, not surprising for me(or whoever watched the series for the plot and not giving much unnecessary attention to the side characters), hence your disappointment. I said it many times, blame yourself if you expected any different ending than this. Most people nowadays watch anime not for the plot or build-up, but for their ''girls''. Harsh reality is bitter, but you must cope with it.
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