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Old 2013-08-18, 16:34   Link #96
Join Date: Jun 2013
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
That's true, but you also have to take into account what happened before and after she gave Kuroneko her approval. She pulled that stunt with the fake boyfriend to make it clear to Kyousuke that she didn't like him flirting with Kuroneko, and then after Kuroneko had her face her real feelings she had him promise he wouldn't go out with anybody. She's definitely not as selfless as Kuroneko is (she admits herself that she is very selfish).
I'm not saying she is quite as selfless as Kuroneko, but she I checked that scene again, and she never made Kyousuke promise that he won't go out with anybody. I quote that scene:

Spoiler for Episode 9:

And that thing with Mikagami, while immature, was understandable. Kyousuke was too dense to pick her emotions up and she also couldn't tell him straight (which Kyousuke would have found ridiculous by the way). Kyousuke flirts around not only with Kuroneko, but also with Ayase and Manami (she specifically mentioned Manami and Kuroneko). But when Mikagami came, Kyousuke made the hell of a ruckus and when Kirino compared that with him flirting he honestly didn't see the comparability of him flirting and her bringing a (fake) boyfriend. Kyousuke in this instance was not only dense, but also very inconsiderate.

Furthermore, I think her going abroad with the intention of confessing to Kyousuke before is a hint to interpreting what she intended to do. She planned to confess to him to get a close on this relationship (either positive, or what she feared negative). And if his response turned out negative she would leave abroad to enable them both a new beginning, relieving Kyousuke of the self-given responsibility of not getting a girlfriend because she doesn't like it. As I quoted above, she said it is no good if both of them tie their relationship fates together, so her solution is leaving. It may not be as selfless as Kuroneko, but she sure cares enough about him, not to give him hurdles if he turns her down.

By the way, a few pages ago somebody said Kyousuke looked like a retard with that screaming around, and I have to agree to a certain degree. Him going berserk during the confession, and to a degree with Manami was somewhat okay. But I think the staff really turned it into a running joke when he screamed around and bended backwards in that Kanako scene. I was surprised by this because this wasn't how I imagined it, having read the novel. I imagined him looking at Kanako and saying in a determined, but calm voice, that he can't date her. Here's the passage from the novel:

"With a dignified voice, I shouted my answer:

“I refuse! I can’t go out with you! ---- Because I already have a girlfriend that I love above everything else!” "

His answer in the anime was anything but dignified...
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