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Old 2013-08-24, 13:54   Link #489
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Join Date: Aug 2011
I think the love duel is in more points, more representative of Beatrice than of the other characters involved. All the info we get, all the dilemmas, seems more fitting for Yasu.
Rosa regretting she let her love go= Yasu regretting she didn't immediately followed Battler
Kyrie's talk about how easy is to lose your loved one to another and the hell of losing love=Yasu's feeling Battler has forgotten her and her hell of being without him
Eva's talk about her handling George's life= Yasu's feeling about letting her life continue as it was.
Natsuhi waiting alone= Yasu waiting alone
Battler killing himself= Yasu wanting to die

Even the targets make more sense in regard to Yasu. The randomness might refer to how she said she would pick victims at random but are they really at random?

Eva= remarked she's a servant who can't hope for more
Kyrie= with her remaining pregnant she made clear Rudolf had been cheating Asumu causing Battler to leave home
Natsuhi= it was even mentioned she's chosen because she attempted to kill the baby
Rosa= is a bad mother to Maria
Maria= the only one who seems to be a death Yasu didn't want to cause as Maria turned against Shannon/Kanon because Kanon killed her mother and Shannon kills her by defending herself with a shield, which seems a subtle reference to why Maria was killed in Ep 3
Battler= the sinner. He's the one to blame if everything happened, though as he's 'killed' by MetaBattler it can be also viewed as a hint of how Tohya's existence killed 'Battler'.

Ep 6 is mostly symbolic though yes, the love duel is, in a way, pretty weak and seems to imply only that since Battler was missing the only love Yasu was determinated enough to carry on was Shannon's... while the cousins murdering someone might merely means the two had made clear they were willing to try and pursue Shannon/Kanon... although Jessica cracking after the murder might imply she was less determinate than George.

(in a way Jessica was advantaged to George as she supposedly saw Kanon much more and Yasu should have known her better... but in the end Yasu would pick George over her meaning she played poorly her apparently better cards to win Yasu's love)

Originally Posted by Drifloon View Post
I suppose I can sort of see it, but I'm really not sure that angle is really there in the scene. I mean, the first thing Beatrice says when she appears to Natsuhi is that she doesn't hold her sin against her, and then she immediately follows that with "Therefore, ......please do not hold it against me when I kill you for the sake of my love". It doesn't seem like her decision to kill her has anything to do with anger or resentment.
Honestly that scene reminds me of Battler's promise.
Oh, no Battler the sin you committed wasn't against me, no, I wasn't even around...
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