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Old 2013-08-26, 22:22   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 719 [manga]

Welcome to the weekly manga discussion thread for One Piece.

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So after all that confusion from last week, we have some "proper" spoilers this time around! And once again, credit goes to Redon from AP forums for this summary:

- Don Chinjao recovers from Luffy's attack and talks to Luffy. He despises Luffy very much.
- ​​​​Don Chinjao´s flashback begins. His head was pointed originally. He looks like Patrick Star from SpongeBob SquarePants.
- His family had a frozen island with a huge treasure under the ice. The ice can opened only by with his headbutts.
- Garp and Don Chinjao fought. Garp´s punch deformed Don Chinjao head, because of this he couldn´t smash the ice and get the rest of treasure.
- Back to the Present. Luffy attacks Don Chinjao with Elephant Gun. Don Chinjao does the same with his head​.
- Luffy´s attack crashes with Don Chinjao head that recovers his original form (the pointed form).
​- Luffy knocks down Don Chinjao and wins C block. Burguess uncovers Lucy´s identity.​

​End of chapter.​

LOL, so THAT'S the reason Chinjao hated Garp!? While I never dismissed it being a silly reason, I was leaning towards Garp having stolen his daughter or lover or something. Anyway, now that Luffy's "fixed" his problem, there shouldn't be any more reason for them to be enemies. Naturally, Burgess discovering Luffy's identity is unsurprising, as well. I'm pretty interested in checking out the Don's original head shape though, at least....

Also, the C-block is now over! Now that just leaves block D before we go on to the semi-finals with Dofla's officers!
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