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Old 2013-08-27, 05:39   Link #6
cho~ kakkoii
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Originally Posted by thundrakkon View Post
It was great to see Kanon again.

After watching this episode, I'm even more convinced that the final goddess is Ayumi. Keima was just too confident that it is Chihiro that he is doom to failure. He stated that Chihiro remembers the conquest, but there really is not enough evidence to suggest that. Kanon goddess gave him 3 days to finish what he needs to do. The events with Chihiro is happening on day 1, which leaves 2 days. Furthermore, Ayumi still seems to be interested in Keima, as shown at the contest. All this suggests that Keima is doomed to be wrong and fail for once, although it will be nice to see how he rebounds from that.
Is it possible that they both have goddesses with one of them being a wild card we don't know of? And when is this Vintage going to make his/her appearance? It was hilarious, however, how all the goddesses fawning over him for the sake of their respective hosts. Shiori's goddess just too darn cute!!!!

Poor Haqua. She is so naïve in her own way, and she gets herself into trouble. She has been pretty cute in her ways, especially thinking about getting Keima a gift from hell. Now, Keima will have to find a way to rescue her as well, although how will be interesting. Will he go to hell to do that?
Not that I'm ill wishing the guy or anything...., but he got to go to hell. Without Haqua, this harem won't be complete.
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