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Old 2013-08-28, 00:21   Link #14
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Originally Posted by The Small One View Post
What should he do?
He is on the island to fight a tournament, so he will probably do nothing else. It's likely that it's his holiday anyways.
(I mentioned it a few months ago: Nobody of the fighters competing for the Mera Mera fruit could knew beforehand, that they are going to fight for a DF as price, since this info was just given less than 24 hours before, so they either came to fight a regular tournament or were on Dressrosa by chance)

And it's not like BB or his crew consider the Straw Hats as enemies or have some sort of grudge against them. IIRC BB was always kind of friendly to everyone, even to the ones he fought or killed. He just had to do what he had to do, to reach his goal.
Burgess is a fighting maniac, so I wonder what he'll do when things escalate.
Will he stick to his tournament opponents (seeking them out and trying to fight them)?
Will he join Doflamingo in crushing his enemies because they might ask him to help?
Will he just be obsessed trying to fight Luffy?
Or could he join forces with the Strawhats just for the fun of it?

He's a huge wildcard that has no real allegiance with anyone on the island and doesn't need to make a name for himself. He's at the top of pirate food chain so other then the DF he has nothing to gain on the island. Still I doubt he'll run away when he has the fruit.
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