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Old 2013-09-01, 03:52   Link #2
Still Alive
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Somewhere far far away
Age: 31
I just hope this doesn't turn into a hate thread (OP you might want to include some positive emotions in your opening post).

On topic,
Jigoku Shoujo(season 1 and 2) - sad and furious(at some of the characters).
Maria Sama Ga Miteru - Very giddy
School Days - Furious at myself for sitting through it.

Grave of the fireflies, 5cm per second, Elfen Lied - Extremely sad.

Clannad and Clannad Afterstory - Mixed bag

And a very, very special mention for

Berserk - Awestruck and horrified.

P.S. there are plenty more but these will do for now.
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