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Old 2013-09-02, 02:46   Link #36
Pretentious moe scholar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Fireminer View Post
@zer0: Umm, this thread is not just about sadness, but all kind of emotional. And why sad is one of the most popular emotion ever conveyed in Anime? Is it so hard to include Happiness, Regretness, Nervousness,..?
There's quite a bit of happy anime out there but it tends to be more low key. Think things like Hidamari Sketch or Kirino Mosaic. The sad stuff tends to be a lot more dramatic and intense. do see shows that tackle social anxiety, such as Welcome to the NHK and Watamote, but they're more likely to make the audience feel uncomfortable than nervous, I think.

I mention that sad stuff tends to be intense and dramatic, and that's why I concentrated in my post. Because shows like EF and Iriya no Sora are the ones I find the most emotionally intense.

I then brought up Key's shows to illustrate a point. Key's shows are said, but I find shows like EF are much better at depicting experiences that are painful and harrowing for the characters. And that, not merely sad events, is what really tends to "jab me in the gut".

I'll also note that when a show like EF or Iriya has a happy moment, it tends to stand out much more than in shows where such moments are more common, just because of the contrast with the gut wrenching parts.

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