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Old 2013-09-02, 20:05   Link #75
Snobby Gentleman
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Monterrey, México
Age: 44
Erwin Smith. 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls - Part 4

Another 100 score grade in a row.

Shingeki no Kyojin never ceases to amaze me when pulling out a new twist just when one believes the adrenaline, roller-coaster ride has subsided.

Back in episode thirteenth, Dot Pixis suspected, and that suspicions was what I wanted to comment upon but couldn't at the time due that it would have been seen as a potential spoiler back then.

There's no need to hide it anymore, since Levi's squad and Armin took alternate turns to disclose the truth: There's an infiltrator (mole or rat in the nest) in the Survey Corps that came undetected after the fall of Wall Maria.

The reason as to why Levi wouldn't trust to explain the details of capturing the Female Titan to his squad so as to narrow down suspect possibilities.

Now, something that particularly makes Shingeki no Kyojin stronger than Claymore in terms of comparative advantage is the fact that the paranoia, feeling of distrust, and conspiracy theory environment is overwhelming and dooming the protagonists.
This isn't so much the case for the Claymore characters due to being capable of sensing Yoma and AB's, unless AB like the Abyssals, for example, are masters at cloaking their yoki to move undetected.

In Shingeki no Kyojin the characters all are regular humans against giants, and now we have infiltrators amongst the population capable of turning into intelligent Titans at will.
And, the particular infiltrator who murdered Gunther is the secret character inside the Female Titan who again buckles up to go after Eren for undisclosed reasons.

Simply put, the feeling of being disoriented and not knowing what's happening as you're in any other place all isolated and without news of what's happening in the outside it eats at your psyche and sanity.
Many of the newbies were feeling the effects as they continued standing guard outside the forest, baiting the Titans.

Then, the Female Titan puts on the last resort with her feral scream, a cold scream of anguish piercing through the soul, calling all Titans to devour her, which begs another question that surely has been added into the FAQ section since a week ago.

It became frustrating that after all those sacrifices incurred and reaching this far capturing the female Titan, then things plummet before Erwins' eyes and is forced to call quits. Yet, it is far from over with the infiltrator back to human form stalking one-by-one Levi's squad in order to get to Eren.

Kudos goes to Sasha with her excellent intuition at figuring out the meaning of the scream, and her feral gestures denoting raging fear at the extreme.
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