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Old 2013-09-11, 02:59   Link #182
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Traece View Post
I agree. It's not as if it's not a risk to take such actions, though the FT in her current state is clearly quite vulnerable no matter what gauge is used. Between him and Mikasa, I have no doubt that they could easily kill the pilot of the already immobilized FT. Unless of course they decide to write-in some magical ability for her to ignore the massive amount of damage and fatigue she's incurred over time, and her muscles being carved out so she can't move her body.
We've known since the beginning Titans can heal. They can heal severed heads, for that matter. And if that fails, maybe she can get out of her titan body and make a brand new one.

Fatigue is an issue, but how much of an issue? At this point, risking his, Mikasa's, and Eren's life on the assumption that the FT had no further trick and was too tired for her old ones would have been foolish. It's not like she's above pretending to be worse off than she is to draw them in.
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