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Old 2006-02-19, 18:14   Link #187
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Originally Posted by scribbly
I think it would probably be very difficult to obtain the body of a dead meister otome. It seems like guarderobe buries all of the otome where fumi resides... probably just so people cannot get their bodies. And seeing how otome are the elite members of society, most societies probably won't just give away the bodies when they die.

I don't think that at this point in what we have learned in the plot, that it can be inferred that becuase shwarz took Rena's body, Rena was prechosen by them as a super special meister. She was simple very accessable.
Err... Keep in mind that all Meisters who died in battle don't leave a corpse behind.

Rena only had a corpse because she died after retirement. The "tome" is most likely a memorial, with no actual corpses buried anywhere. It's probably reserved for Otomes who died in the line of duty.
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