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Old 2013-09-21, 19:12   Link #9301
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Rising Dragon View Post
The Freedom having propulsion doesn't mean it can achieve escape velocity. It cannot. It does not have the thruster strength, and it does not have the fuel needed to achieve such a feat on its own power.
I didn't say it can. I said achieving escape velocity is irrelevant.
Except that's exactly what did happen in the show. It couldn't keep up.
How can you even interpret the scene like that? We have Kira deciding not to follow and then moving away and slowing down. Of course the shuttle would leave it behind, because Kira slowed down.
No, you didn't. All you've done is ignore why it's an inconsistency. If the Freedom could do so, they would've used that to get Lacus safely into space, without risking her life by putting her into ZAFT territory to steal a shuttle from Durandal's spare. That in itself is the inconsistency--if they already had what they needed to get her to space, they wouldn't need to steal it to get her to space. So if the Freedom could do that on its own--inconsistency! So stop trying to defend it. To do otherwise just makes you a liar.
And as I said, the reason was Lacus didn't want Kira to leave the Archangel. Heck, she's even in more danger now that ZAFT knows Lacus was the one in the shuttle, and yet the reason why Lacus reject Kira's offer is because she didn't want him to leave the Archangel behind. That is the explicitly stated reason, not because Kira couldn't take her.
Prove to me that the Freedom slowed down.
He was staying ahead of the shuttle, then he relents to Lacus's wish, then he moved away and stayed behind.

That is the order of event. The shuttle didn't leave him behind while Kira still wants to follow Lacus. The shuttle left him behind after he gives up on following Lacus and moves away.
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