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Old 2006-02-25, 03:52   Link #193
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Amaiko
Where did it say that? I don't remember them saying that anything special happened to the bodies of active Meister Otome who get killed.

And if the graveyard has no actual bodies, then why did Miss Maria start yelling at Arika and the others for "disturbing their oneesamas"when they snuck in there, and then made them apologize to Monica for "disturbing her rest" before they left? If her actual body wasn't there, then Miss Maria's anger and her insistance that they "apologize" makes no sense.
First, Green-sparkles is the standard way to die in the Mai-series.

Second, there are plenty of memorials out in the world that have no bodies buried anywhere near it, but that doesn't make the site any less sacred. Even when there is no corpse, people may still wish to prey for the dead or to remind themselves of past heroes. As such corpse-less tomes can be built.

Such sites should be respected, and those who broke etiquette at hallow-ground should rightfully apologize.
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