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Old 2013-09-23, 00:38   Link #30794
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
Since when did the FDP count as "populist"? They've been in parliament since the founding of the republic and in the government for the majority of time. They did receive a lot of critic lately, being accused of boldly and exclusively catering for their rich voters but I have never heard anyone calling them populist.

Many votes will be disregarded in this election, since they didn't make the minimum 5% that are needed to go into the German parliament. The aforementioned FDP and AfD ("euro-critics") got 4.8% and 4.7% respectively, then you have the pirate party (2.2%, originated from the Swedish pirate bay movement/party with a focus on Internet/privacy/civil rights) plus another 4.0% for a bunch of very small parties. In total 15.7% that got lost.

Merkel's Union may be the biggest "party" but she does not have the majority so the failure of the FDP is a huge problem for her. If they made the 5% they would have received a few positions but Merkel would have had most of the power and a stable majority. Now she will probably have to form a coalition with the SPD which is much bigger and will likely make a hell lot of demands. If it wanted to it could also decide to form its own government (red-red-green), if it rethinks its opposition to the left, borderline-communist "Die Linke" (with roots to the communist party of Eastern Germany).

I don't know if this is good for Germany but there weren't many chances for it to go worse for the other Europeans. The only party >2% that does not want to keep the Euro at all costs (->huge financial help/guarantees for others) was the AfD and for that alone no one would have formed a coalition with them. The only difference is that Merkel's opposition wants even more guarantees than she is already giving. It has already speculated that the SPD will work together with the French Socialists against Merkel.

Last edited by sneaker; 2013-09-23 at 00:52.
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