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Old 2013-09-23, 11:45   Link #30800
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Downloading Is Mean! Content Industry Drafts Anti-Piracy Curriculum for
Elementary Schools:

"Listen up children: Cheating on your homework or cribbing notes from another
student is bad, but not as bad as sharing a music track with a friend, or otherwise
depriving the content-industry of its well-earned profits.

That’s one of the messages in a new-school curriculum being developed with the
Motion Picture Association of America, the Recording Industry Association of America
and the nation’s top ISPs, in a pilot project to be tested in California elementary
schools later this year.

A near-final draft of the curriculum shows that it comes in different flavors for every
grade from kindergarten through sixth, to keep pace with your developing child’s ability
to understand that copying is theft, period."

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