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Old 2013-09-29, 04:32   Link #8921
Anything's Possible
Join Date: Jul 2009
Sorry to all Chihiro fans, I'm one of the few against a Chihiro end. Probably because most importantly as Keima he should do as Kami should do and maintain his harem because he has so much love it shouldn't be directed to one person.

Personally it would be completely out of his character to suddenly fall in love because of this whole notion of Chihiro liking him way before ever being conquered. I much rather him come to the conclusion that he loves everyone of the girls he has captured before.

If I had to pick a solo end that I would prefer and seems possible it would definitely go to Tenri... because during one of the earlier chapters, Tenri said "The Keima I like is the one who plays games", or something to that effect. Elsie gets my first pick despite how much of a longshot it seems to be now.
Nothing is Impossible
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