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Old 2013-10-10, 22:28   Link #672
Optimus Prime
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Japan/Canada
Age: 39
^ Agreed. By and large, the quality of the voice acting is inferior in English dubs of anime because the studio tries to do these things on a limited budget. The only time I have ever actually preferred the quality of the English VA to the Japanese VAs was with Full Metal Panic! The "big ones" - Bleach, Naruto, Sailor Moon, Death Note, etc. might have a couple good characters but by and large the voices lack the emotion and correct tone that Mr. DJ mentions above. And in some cases, they are almost unbearably annoying - see: young Naruto, Sailor Moon, and Kagome (from Inuyasha). It's a shame, because it really does ruin the characters.
(This magnificent sig. is courtesy of the talented Kuroda )
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