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Old 2013-10-12, 22:05   Link #37
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: in the club
This browser game is way too damn good. Can't stop playing it.

I've been experimenting with a very risky technique for taking down titans. You'll need the camera mode that lets you move the cursor freely around the screen to do this. Note: this only works on walking titans, not abnormals.

Attract a titan and approach them directly until they stop walking. Aim the cursor towards the Adam's Apple of the neck (or for the really big ones, as close as you can get) and shoot out a single hook, then fly right at the titan while holding down the key. If done correctly, the titan will do the hammer punch to the ground but you'll fly over it, and on the rebound you can execute a blind slash and hit the nape for a quick kill.

This move is really risky and involves some luck as you cannot see where you're slashing, but if getting around the titan isn't an option then this might work for you. Unless you're playing on Abnormal, in which case you're screwed
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