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Old 2013-10-21, 06:09   Link #242
Dr. Casey
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Tennessee
Age: 36
I had a dream about Dog Days season 3 a few weeks ago. Millhiore attempted to summon Cinque to Flonyard for a third visit, but somehow things went wrong and he was dumped in the middle of a rustic, abandoned village in the middle of nowhere. He wandered around in confusion for a few minutes before being attacked by a small army of monsters. After fighting them off, Millhiore appeared before him, saying that he should have been teleported to Flonyard but that someone interfered with her magic spell so it didn't work right. The first episode then ended with Millhiore casting her teleporation spell again and her jumping with Cinque through a teleportation portal, with the Next Episode preview promising that Flonyard would be properly (re)introduced in the second episode.

Just posting this here so that I don't forget it, and because I'll be curious to see if the real Dog Days Season 3 Episode 1 bears any resemblance to my dream.
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