Thread: Licensed Tokyo Ravens
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Old 2013-10-31, 13:25   Link #366
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Ontario, Canada
Age: 43
it will be interesting to see if the show introduces any characters with non-Japanese magical traditions (if any exist in this universe), or if any of the other students come from areas like Hokkaido or Okinawa (and perhaps have their own distinct crafts as a result).

I wonder - if, say, South Korea had its own magical traditions in this setting, would the Zainichi Koreans in Japan echo that tradition themselves? And would the same be true for any Zainichi Chinese in the country? (If so, would they have the means of practicing and studying their respective arts while still in Japan; or would they have to go to Seoul or Shanghai, or Hong Kong or Taipei, to do what these students are doing in Tokyo?)

On another note, from what we've seen in the series so far, K(-)on reminds me a litle bit of Caster from Fate/Extra; or at least, she seems to be drawn from a broadly similar character design template.
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