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Old 2013-11-01, 01:49   Link #65
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by ReddyRedWolf View Post
Except in those timelines his friends acknowledge they are married.

Unless Dobashi and the DX brigade are in it.

Which could be Ai knows all about the slip. She is differentiating between Aoshima that is her "friend" and Aoshima who is her husband.

Just because in ten years they are married does not mean they would be high school sweethearts.

It could be they would be lovers later. Those later years could be a factor on who Aoshima marries whether it is Ai, Sylvia or Ran.
A short sumary of what I mean as I'm really tired atm:

Basically I think Ai might try to change their common future to a different outcome as he did exactly like she told him and suddenly the future changed to Ran.
This shouldn't have happened though as everything should have lead to the Ai-future.
Yet it lead to a different one.
So yeah I also assume that she is aware of the timeslips from start or at least got aware of them by now.
Still she was calling him Aoshima-kun the entire time, even in the first time slip, which is pretty strange for a couple.
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.
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