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Old 2013-11-02, 16:27   Link #2
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Austria
Ichigo Marshmellow seems to fit the bill. Big sis taking care of her sister and friends. (Though sometimes the little sister seems more responsible, it's the big sis who's got a job.)

Less sure about this, but maybe Kimi no Todoke. Ostensibly a romance, it's really the story of an outsider opening up. Very slow-paced, though. Great show and definitely produced a lot of smiles from me, though I'm not sure it's quite what you're looking for. (Check it out anyway. )

And if you're up for something totally different that has that feel, I recommend Shirokuma Café. It's about a polar bear who runs a café, and it's one of the most smile inducing shows I've ever seen.

Also maybe the often overlooked Nekogami Yaoyorozu, which is about a lazy cat goddes who lives with an antique dealer(?been a while; I might misremember the job?). Includes lots of other fun deities, too.
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