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Old 2013-11-06, 23:10   Link #263
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Vancouver, WA
Age: 37
I got my copy of the ridiculously expensive anniversary re-release of the series on bluray today. The Arienai Jugyou and Arienai Briefing audio dramas were worth the $500 pricetag... I, I think XDDD

I'd already heard the first three, but I didn't know there were FIVE of the Arienai Jugyou, and I didn't know Arienai Briefing even existed XDDD

In the 4th, the twins Yui Lan and Yui Fan are transfer students. They act suuuuuuuper freaking moe and one of them even says something like "My dream is to be a bride one day!" and they're just so over the top cutesy and the class falls in love with them. They try to kill either/both Kaname and/or Sousuke with a lunch and Ono-D butts in and eats it first and dies from the food being poisoned. Yui Lan says a very deadpan "We messed up big sister..." in her usual voice then they go back to being moe pretending they didn't do it.

The 5th has Al come crashing in as a teacher. XD As usual, Ono-D dies in this one too, but unlike in the others, he keeps coming back to die again and again all through this same one. Al just keeps shooting him and stepping on him and I think at one point he closed him in the mechanism for the cockpit and another point I think he threw him XD I have no idea. It was ridiculous.

The Tessa radio dramas are like an audio diary and I honestly didn't pay enough attention to know wtf was happening in them. All I know is that Tessa saying "Sousuke-onii-chan!!!" seriously creeped me out and in one of them I think she drank a whole pot of coffee 'cause ho-lee crap she was off the wall and there were even "boing" sound effects going on as she blathered on high pitched at a billion words a second.

Oh, right, and then there's the Arienai Briefing, 3 of them, where Clouseau is trying really hard to hold a briefing and it keeps getting messed up. In the first one, Kalinin is (acting?) really senile, and starts messing up everyone's names...
"Cruise... cu-cruise..."
"Ah yes Clouseau"
"Lieutenant Commander!"
"Yes, Sergeant Weber."
"Sergeant Sagara."

and it keeps going until Clouseau loses it and Tessa comes in and basically says something like "Ah well it can't be helped."

In the second one, Kaname shows up, and Clouseau loses it because here's a civilian and they get into a fight. Kaname starts smacking him around with the harisen and he snaps and throws her. Then she's like "That reaction was all wrong."
"That's right. Tessa?"
"She's right, that really wasn't the proper reaction at all."
"Uh, then, what am I supposed to do?"
"Hmm... Sousuke!"
"How do you react?"
"Normally I say 'it hurts it hurts."
(and so on, Mao acts like she's being spanked for pleasure when they get to her to share what her reaction would be XD)

and I think at one point Kaname asked him if he was really an anime fan since he doesn't seem to know what to do with a tsundere, and I didn't catch what he said but he seemed to put her in her place and make her really uncomfortable.

The third one has BONTA-KUN!!! Clouseau is at wits' end because he just wants to get this briefing over with. Then Tessa stops him again and in comes Bonta-kun! He loses it, refuses to deal, then in comes Kaname to translate (Clouseau: "Ugh you again") and she does so and it's going smoothly until Clouseau demands to know who is inside the suit.

Kurz and Mao point out that it's usually Sousuke, Kaname kinda stammers and dodges the question and Sousuke comes up BEHIND everyone so they're trying to figure out what is going on. Kaname keeps trying to move forward with the briefing but Clouseau won't let her. He starts wrestling with Bonta-kun to remove the head and see who is inside but the defense system blasts him into the wall. After a bit, they finally reveal who is in the suit...

"This machine really is quite amazing."
Sousuke *eager* "You liked it sir!?"
"Yes. You've done well, Sagara." and Kalinin proceeds to be very un-Kalinin-like and explode with joy (no, really, his joyous cry will haunt me for ages, I think he even said SUBARASHIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Arienai series seriously cracks me up XDDD
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