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Old 2013-11-13, 08:00   Link #413
Alastor Mobius Toth
Idar Lead
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: World Marshall bureau
...except that a lot of that resentment comes from the way they were integrated into West Germany.

For what was it worth, East Germany had actually a decent quality of life, if you could get past the whole Stasi douchefaggotry. They had a very low unemployment and a sort of commercial industry going on, with most East Germans able to actually afford was was available for sale in the country (as opposed to Russia, or basically everywhere in the Warsaw Pact). Sure, maybe they were substandard compared to their equivalents in the West, but they have been there, and they were all produced in-country. That kinda ended after the Unification, because non-Communist governments are not interested in maintaining tons of absolutely redundant, or useless, jobs. Admittedly, they were kind of dicks about it, and a lot of achievements of East Germans get overlooked because "lolCommunism" (for example, retired West German servicemen can use their title, e.g "ret. Colonel" etc. An Eastern German can't do that.)

Well, that, and capitalism didn't miraculously bring a mountain of prosperity. Huh. Who knew. Thought at the same time, West Germany had to expand a ridiculous amount of money to bring civilian infrastructure in-line with what was German standard.

Here however, the integration hasn't happened, and will not happen, so a lot of that resentment will either be gone, or will have to be based on something else - and most of these teenagers will never get born due to their parents being CHOMPed anyway.

And to be fair, using "Last Battalion" designation doesn't make you anymore Nazi then the next guy. Especially since the actual insurgency/last battalion unit was called Werewolf, after an old German book of the same name. It got exterminated before the war was even over, but it's threat was supposedly one of the reasons given for the continued occupation of Germany for a long time.
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